Huge nosed mamal usually found with narcaleptic tendencies. Natural habitat: North Miami shopping malls and high school socials. Loves Jeefus.
by sharkattack February 10, 2005
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gonzo someone with a big, odd-shaped ass nose
by Alisha April 22, 2005
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The act of raising ones testicles slightly up above the shaft of their penis, thus making your member resemble gonzo, the lovable muppet.
When presented with the fruitbowl by his naked friend in the locker room, Adam P. retorted by showing his hetro friend with the gonzo
by Papawood December 9, 2003
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to throw a basketball as hard as you can into someone's face causing them to never want to play the sport again.
Chris: OMG-she went down like a sack of bricks.
Dave: yeah-she got gonzo'ed bad!
by Frank Bonich March 14, 2008
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Tammy recieved gonzo from John last weekend!
by John April 24, 2003
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Big Tittastics Breasts on a chick
Holy shit, look at her gonzos.
by St. Poneyboy August 29, 2004
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