A female who’s genitalia has a cocktail of different males love porridge

They themselves are big dirty nessys
Names to avoid cat, pubert, Sandra
by Yermasgash December 4, 2021
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Penalty points bestowed upon a gentleman driver by his female companion for unmanly driving.
"You cut in too early you Pussy Clart, now we're be stuck in this lane for hours"

"Why you let him in for? Man up! Thats 3 points"

"You kept me waiting in the cold for 5 minutes, thats 10 Pussy Clart points"

"I'm going to tell everyone we're late because you drove like a Pussy Clart"
by Andross 1978 March 9, 2010
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Dave Ives Church Worship Band
Dave ives band are propper rarsta clarts they are so cool
by Paul Shulver July 17, 2004
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That guy challenged me to a 1v1 and he got fucking clarted
by nosleepforyou November 23, 2021
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when someone slapped you hard on the face
kiss or slap


go on then

omg you clarted my jaw off
by iltass September 24, 2022
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