A kick ass school in Walpole MA. Also has nicknames like NCAHS and AGGIEIt has agricultural classes {EX. Mechanics, Arborculture and Animal Science} and owns its own mascot, the ram. The dress code is made by its own student which states you must if a male you must wear a carhart jacket, jeans and boots {commonly timberland}. If you are female...same thing. 25-50% of the students are hicks/rednecks. In order to go to this school you must have an industrial washing machine to get out stains from horse shit and mud. All students are imported to the school from towns all over the norfolk county and a few out of county. Including brocckton, holbrook, uxbridge and foxboro. It also has a ginormous lake in the front of it. A building at the school is named "Kemp Hall".
I am going to Norfolk Aggie to major in mechanics.
by Peter March 28, 2005
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Wide variety of jokes told by UT Fans, often including familiar characters such as Smart Longhorn, Dumb Aggie, and Mediocre Baylor Bear. Compare: Longhorn = brunette, Aggie = blonde, Baylor Bear = redhead.

Here's an example:
A longhorn, an Aggie, and a Baylor Bear are traveling in a desert. Each one has brought one thing: The Longhorn brought a jug of water so he dosen't dehydrate, the Baylor Bear brought food so he doesn't starve, and the Aggie brought a car door, so he can roll up the window if he gets too hot.

Aggie joke: Did you hear that there are three kinds of aggies?

The ones who can't count and the ones who can.
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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I love it when the longhorns (University of Texas) beats the crap out of those sand aggies in Lubbock.
by desertboy July 26, 2008
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The best school in the world where kids can cut trees down and use chainsaws while ppl from schools like methuen high are doing math. commonly called essex faggie by kids from nst and ppl who are generally jealous they didnt get accepted in.
"man bio sucked today"
"I went fishing today XD"
"i go to Essex Aggie"
by AggieRams January 3, 2012
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A girl who swears by the lord but sins behind closed doors.
Did you hear about what that Aggie with the Toupee did? She acts so innocent, I would never have imagined she would be so capable of doing that...
by teheeheeeeee February 13, 2019
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Norfolk Aggie is a teriffic school also called "The Aggie". there are about 400 kids there, all majoring in either Mechanics, Animal Science or Plant Science. 70% girls 30% boys. the types of people you will find there are Goths, Emo kids, Hicks, and the stupid annoying preps consisting of all the girls who own multiple horses and are on the schools Drill Team. i'd say the goths and hicks make up about 75% of the people.
Im going to Norfolk Aggie to major in Metal Fabrication.
by Rogue Arrow January 12, 2007
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A derogatory reference for the Texas Tech Red Raiders, combining the ever prevalent dirt in Lubbock with their hated rivals the Texas A&M Aggies. Often delivered by Texas Longhorn students and graduates.
Jarod is such a Dirt Aggie...dumbass Tech grad. His only future is as a call center Supervisor.
by Texas Hook 'Em January 10, 2019
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