An STD,V.D.,A disese transmitted through sexual contact w/an infected partner.Symptoms include:Yellowish discharge,extreme burning upon urination,swelling of the labia majora.
Rosco knew da bits'HO'been Fuggin round and gots da sheet from he pappy. Whitey said: nothing to CLAP about.
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When you’re high asf
Yooo Jasey is fucking CLAPPED bro”
by McThiccyDiccyRiccy February 7, 2019
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Someone who is acting stupid
The same as saying they're stupid or they're a eejit
I think it's irish slang but it could be an anglo thing
John: Did you hear what Emma did yesterday, she was such a idiot
Sam: She's absolutely clapped man


someone to you if you've acted the fool
John: Are you clapped?
by polarbearpajamas April 4, 2020
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The word clapped is the meaning of “ugly” used by many British people including Memeulous
Gary: He looks so damn ugly
Jerry: man he’s clapped
by pantyshotlover69 October 26, 2019
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I caught the clap off some hippy broad I was fucking, my dick was dripping like a busted pipe
by Ralph Cifaretto November 15, 2020
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The nickname for the std gonorrhea. Named for clapping your hands around your dick to pop and drain the bubbles of puss growing inside. Makes it really painful to pee.
Tim: "Ah, it burns when I pee, it's like razor blades!"
John: "Dude, you definitely got the clap from the skank at that party"
by ronious February 13, 2009
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to get hit or punched
damn you got clapped, i told you not to fight that big ass nigga
by KDMG March 7, 2008
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