When the tip of ones finger becomes covered in ash after using it to pack down a bowl of weed after it has been lit while on a roadie. (smoking whilst driving)
I've got mad roadie finger bro
by Roadie kids February 8, 2016
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(Ge-o-Roadie) Adj:Extreme version of grodie..
Dude your dog took a dump on my pillow!! Geo-Roadie!
by Got_film November 13, 2005
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When your finger tip is covered in resin from smoking while driving
I got hella roadie finger
by Roadie kids February 26, 2016
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Screwed up discarded duct tape littered around the stage by particularly messy roadies. Health and safety out of the window.
Alfred: Whoever set this stage up is a slob, there's roadie poo everywhere.

Napoleon: Yeah somebody's going to slip
by megaWave September 8, 2011
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The "sweet tea roadie" is when you are getting a well-lubed handy from your lady while driving. Right before you erupt your load all over your ride, you reach for the McDonald's large, $.99 sweet tea cup you have yet to throw out... You blow your entire load into the styrofoam cup...easy.
Oh, it's cool, my girl gave me a Sweet Tea Roadie on the way to the party last night.
by The Sexy Pilgrim July 16, 2011
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A noun. When a morbidly obese women rides you, reverse cowboy style, while you’re driving your car.
“Yo Phyllis gave me the best Reverse Texas Roadie on our drive to the city today.”
by YaBoiiii100-31 November 4, 2019
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Roadie running is a well known cheat used on Gears of war when a noob doesnt know how to kill people without the aid of a games glitch.
Gamer 1: "I was playing GOW yesterday, and i pwned these guys asses."

Gamer 2: "Yer i was on lastnight and i pwned some peoples asses too, i learnt a new glitch called Roadie running, kicks ass!"

Gamer 3: Noob.
by Robwhite March 8, 2009
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