when a girl preforms oral sex on a male while a pice peppermint candy is in their mouth.
White girl: i got you something special for your birthday.
Black guy: what?
White girl: a peppermint sally
Black guy: whats that?
White girl: you'll see
by saibot011 December 24, 2009
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some bomb ass alcohol, commonly chased with/tastes fucking delicious with chocolate syrup, for the same taste but more alcohol concentrated try Ice 101
That peppermint schnapps tastes like those fucking andes mints with chocolate syrup!
by MeGaN IS Da BoMb.COm August 5, 2007
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When a fat chick with big ol sausage fingers vigorously massages your ballsack with hot muscle relief cream.
My balls are fire after that peppermint Pati.
by Eaton Holgoode November 15, 2017
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When a lesbian (or bi) woman performs oral sex on another woman while either one (or both) has a candy cane inserted in their anus.
Well, it's Christmas so I thought Casandra and Jill would be doing the old Peppermint Patty.
by Chicagodan June 3, 2011
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When a guys sperm and a girls period r mixed then one of the couple drink it
Peppermint milkshake r soooo good
by Average me July 26, 2016
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when a man pleasures his girlfriend/lover with a large candy cane (one of the ones you can buy around x-mas for like 2 bucks) and he use's it like a sex toy on her and every time he movers it in a direction he yells out a gear. ex up= first, left= second, right= third, down=fourth, in and out = over drive.
i was going to give my girlfriend oral but all i could taste was peppermint. if i find out that asshole gave my girlfriend a peppermint shift ill kill him.
by bulldawg1331 September 23, 2009
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