The fattest cat ever in existence, currently residing in Oxford, Ohio.
OH MY GOD That's butters?!! Jesus Christ I thought there was an orange beaver in your house.
by jdb4402 April 24, 2009
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Particularly attractive woman. Tastes so sweet. is mentioned in the film commentary.
"She's like but-ter..." - Ed, Shaun of the Dead
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The act of cumming on a girl and then spreading with your penis like you're buttering bread.
Mate, I well pulled this girl and i did some buttering on her chest.
by nelsonLANTERN January 8, 2011
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butter (buh·tr) v. To shoplift a low-value item such as one or more candy bars, disposable pens, or a boxed set of battery-powered Christmas lights.
{Ricky}: Hey Craig, can you go butter me a couple of Snicker bars and a 3-Muskerteers bar at the Rexall during lunch break?
{Craig}: Sure thing Ricky!
{Craig returns a short while with the stolen articles}: Here ya go Ricky. They were out of 3-Muskerteers so I buttered a couple of packs of M&Ms instead.
by Telephony November 6, 2019
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a simple way to say that a nigga got some nice long hair.
by Azaria July 28, 2005
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