Where you and your significant other use anal beads on each other in such a way where one end is in one person's ass and the other end is in the other person's ass. You neglect to take the beads out before you sleep so both anus' tighten around the beads tightly, essentially creating a snug leash connecting you and your partner until somebody eventually forcefully shits the beads outs.
I cant come into work today boss, I got my girl on a Gucci Leash.
by Muggy985 January 24, 2021
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Teeth leashes are the things that all middle schoolers loathe. And if you’re unlucky enough, you’re the weird high schooler that wears braces for your senior photo. But don’t be that kid. Usually, those who have braces have had them forever, and you were probably the kid that lost your retainer in elementary school and looked for it in the garbage while I stared at you. The only good thing about braces is getting them off, after which you have years of wearing a retainer to look forward too.
After having braces for all of highschool, Grayson is finally getting his teeth leashes off.
by gonzovibe February 20, 2018
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One of those baby restraints with a rope attached so as to prevent a child from running too far out of reach from his/her parental unit. Also known as the primitive version of GPS.
Baby Boy: Damn my stupid mother. She has locked me up in her outdoor jail with this stupid umbilical leash.
Baby Girl: That's too bad because if you could just take 3 steps further, I'll give you the time of your life.
by authoor June 18, 2006
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When a girl has a tampon string hanging down out of her vagina and sometimes out of her bathingsuit or underwear, because she is either afraid of her vagina altogether or afraid she will lose the tampon inside her vagina if she doesn't let it hang out.
=At a nude strip club and a tampon string is hanging out waiting for someone to pull on it.

=At a pool and you see a hot chick then look down and see her tampon leash hanging down.
by SuperAwesomeFemaleChick May 14, 2011
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Leash boy is the one of the guys of the friend group that just can't get away from his girlfriend for anything and when he does he always needs permission.
Raymond ditched the boys on a Friday night because his girlfriend still had him by a collar and leash. So he had to to cancel his plans and the spend his weekend with the girl thus making him a leash boy.
by PapaScuzz May 6, 2019
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Me: Yo who dabs anymore
Friend: That is so off the leash
by Idklol09 October 19, 2019
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