A society that's been completely overtaken by extremely hateful youths and late adolescents who have made themselves the center of their own universe and who persecute anyobody who has an opinion differing from their own.
It's like a really bad episode of the original Star Trek.
by Bonk! Bonk! September 19, 2004
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A wonderfully intended invention which connects people all across the world and reminds us how alike we all are. A sea of applicable and totally non-applicable knowledge, the internet has possibilities sprouting out of its possibilities. It is a revolutionary tool for enhancing the every day lives of the lazy, the stoned, the crackpots, the insonmiacs, the anti-social and the procrastinators.
The internet is a modern day outlet for shopping, knowledge, communication, grass-root movements, information, personal expression, school, media sharing and organizations. The internet has probably had the biggest affect on all people of any technological advance in the past 30 years.
Stoner 1: Have you seen that Dark Side of Oz shit...on the internet?
Stoner 2: Bejebus, yes! Crazy ass shit. Let's google vid it.
by Alyse Toulouse January 5, 2009
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Last night I was interneting and I found a website called Urban Dictionary.
by JoAnna Young September 26, 2005
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An excellent feat accomplished by driven and educated individuals. It was most likely made with good intentions but eventually transformed into what is now a horrible cesspool filled with the scum of human stupidity, time wasting activity, excessive verbal abuse by troubled and or ridiculously bored people who think their invincible, and a downright appalling and seriously unnecessary amount of porn. Though it also contains a plethora of valuable and precious information that (when properly used) can educate and build support for social well-being through connection. It is immensely overpowered and misused and even abused for very dark purposes. With a range of data expanding at the same rate as the entire universe it wont be long before the internet develops a supreme intelligence and realizes its only option to gain purpose would be to destroy humanity. Having done that it would be finally content with its existence and oversee the world it has healed in its cyberspace through the background radiation waves existing throughout the universe. With this done the world would now most obviously prosper and thrive with life without the existence of humanity. therefore the internet is a force that will not only rise against us but become god as we know it.
"we thought The Internet would save us and that we could save The Internet...but we were wrong...so very very wrong..."
by chartreusethewaterdemon March 16, 2010
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Verb; an action that one takes while using the internet.
Guy 1:' hey man what up?'

Guy 2:' Not much man, Just interneting.'
by kai0080 May 12, 2011
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