A code-name for getting high, usually used to describe smoking marijuana. It can also be used as an adjective, "googed"
"Hey do you google?" "Hell yeah, I've been googed all day!"
by livetolaugh208 March 14, 2007
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this word existed before it became a search engine.the real definition of google is to search for something on the internet period. the word originated because there was no word to describe randomly searching for things(except for surfing) on the internet. so the word google was created to describe searching for shit that u might not have a clue how to spell or not sure but you want to know more shit about. so basically you could for example google something on aol or any other search engine.
yo, i used to google on america online long before there was a search engine called google. the word google simply means to search for something your not entirely sure about on the net. regardless of the search engine used. so the word means more than one thing now adays.
by $nowman'$exy April 5, 2010
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1.Awesome or amazing in an extreme way. See beast, shiznit, intense. Often replaces other words. Especially common when attempting to swear in front of parents.
Dude, Urban Dictionary is so google!

Woah, that ass is google!
by Elhoc October 15, 2008
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This literaly refers to the act of going to GOOGLE.com and searching g-o-o-g-l-e.

However, this is actually a very dangerous act. Googling google is like playing Russian Roulete, crossing the streams (Ghostbusters), or a hole in the space-tme continuoum (Back To The Future). What ever you do, do not google 'google' if you wish to stay safe.

It is BAD
Please, let me drive you home... you have had too much to drink... you don't want to be googling google on a night like this.
by Twartacus June 12, 2006
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verb; the act of searching google in google because you forgot what browser you were on; when a stupid person types in and searches google in google over fifty times
by kirito96 March 24, 2019
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It is what one must not do.
Don't Google Google. Googling Google is wrong, says Google.
by Set Blue 23 November 14, 2017
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A term used by the elderly or technically incompetent when referring to internet-related technologies.
Grandma: My email is slow today, there must be a problem with the googles.

Grandson: Gammy, looks like somebody unplugged your wireless router.

Grandma: Your grandfather was trying to sign-up for Ancestry.com, could that have messed-up the googles?
by etriad April 19, 2012
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