One of the biggest douches you'll ever meet, besides a Kevin. He thinks he is cool for being 4 foot tall, with his pudgey face.

He spends his time on the xbox 360(his max time, 14 hours). He complains and yells into the headset when he dies and blames other people.

He cheats in anything, or attempts to give himself an advantage. He also threatens to beat people up, just to make himself look... cool?

His gamertag is DMF xClutch (you can flame him if you want)
Person 1: Hey, you remember when DJ fell in class?

Person 2: Oh yea! That was hilarious.

DJ: Dude, just shut up, I'll own you on the xbox and beat you up.

Person 1: Wow, I can't believe you have friends.

Person 2: He's like 4 foot tall, he can't beat up anyone.

Example 2:

Person 1: I was talking to DJ on the xbox yesterday.

Person 2: Was he screaming into the headset, again?

Person 1: Yeah, he was online for like, 10 hours or something.

Person 2: Wow.. No-life!
by Anonymous XD May 26, 2010
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Dude of the Jams
My gosh that DJ is so cool.
by Sassychick249 October 9, 2009
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A person trying to make others believe he or she is having a good time hoping everybody will follow.
This DJ looks like he's having a great time, this party is so plastic.
by Myne November 9, 2006
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Did you catch DJ’s weet last night? It was legit retarded.
by Brothaontheinside October 4, 2018
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DJ is the most dumbass bitch you will ever meet. He picks his nose, he is a fake friend, and he comes on urban dictionary for an ego boost.
Person 1: Yo you met that Daniel kid?
Person 2: Yeah he is such a DJ.
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Abbreviation for David Jones...

A large, fancy department store much like Myer located in Australia
"Wow, that dress is stunning!"

"Thanks, its Mink Pink.. I saw it for 160 dollars in DJ's but got it from Envi at 150 dollars and went to buy myself a cowbell with the change"
by dove0 April 28, 2009
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Digital Jocker
what everyone wants to be these days
remixes remixes
person 1: Eyy foo I'm gonna be a dj!
person 2: Foo I'm a dj!
person 1: dang foo that's tight. let me hear some of your shit
person 1: foo lets dj at club Dance
person 2: alright foo. come to my pad. I got virtual dj
by msgrumpy September 18, 2009
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