It's so simple. It just means "in a long time" or "in a while".
I haven't had that candy in a brick. Let me have some.
by jlovley December 6, 2016
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a dependable person, a friend who always helps (english slang)
Parveen helped me get through my divorce. She's a real brick!
by VAKI5 May 9, 2005
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Amazing, cool, sick, tight, extreme, or hella awesome. Usually used to describe something that is more than just 'cool.'
Dude that ollie you just did was totally to the brick!
by Squishyfeet91 March 26, 2007
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1. 50 glassines of heroin, specifically 50 glassines packaged as 5 bundles of heroin, with each bundle being ten glassines of heroin. So-named because when bundled together it looks like a brick.

2. Marijuana packaged in approximately 1 kilo blocks in the shape of a brick.
He got caught moving 50 bricks.
by Da Defense Dude February 14, 2005
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drugs, dope, usaully in large amounts in a " brick " shape
900 to a grand get you 28 grams if you talkin bout bricks i'm the interstate man- lil wayne, weezy ambitions
by jonny the shooter January 24, 2008
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A transgender women who is easy to clock; they're more masculine than feminine in appearance.
What's the point when she looks like a brick?
by BatTeeth September 23, 2017
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1. (noun) A three dimensional building block made out of hardened stone.

2. (verb) To take a massive shit, particularly during sexual intercourse.
"And then after the Frodo and Sam suckfest, just before the credits roll, Sam straight up fucking bricks in Frodo's mouth."

-Randal Graves, Clerks II
by crazy vigilante May 2, 2007
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