originally a product response to the blank look left on the face of wearers of a Samsung GearVR virtual reality headset. Gear Boggles (www.gearboggles.com) are entertaining faceplate stickers. Now broadly applied to any faceplate sticker used on a virtual reality headset. Inspired by the term: Beer Goggles.
Bob looked stupid wearing that VR headset until he got those Gear Boggles. I like the cat eyes best.
by AustinWords January 19, 2016
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Noun- a pathetic person or team (undeserving of but) given the last seed in a tournament in order to make the total an even number
-from an episode of King of the Hill where Peggy must play a boggle playing chicken in a boggle tournament
Person 1- "Yo, your playing Triopia's JV?"
Person 2- "Yeah... they didnt have enough teams for the tournament, so they had to add a boggle playing chicken."
by Kichael Moore January 10, 2010
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Another word for vagina. However a Boggle Bush defines a very hairy vagina, one that 'boggles' your eyes when you see it.
Ted - 'Hey John, I bet that fat bird has a right hairy one.'

John - 'Yeah I bet.. Oi, get your boggle bush out!'
by Knowle-z May 10, 2010
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What is wrong?
Why are you acting this way?
Why are you being so strange?
-Dude you're crying, What's your boggle?
-my parents just died :(
-bummer :/
by pollo-loco21 January 21, 2011
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To boggle yer heed means to allow someone to give you a blow job
C’mere you and al boggle yer heed
If you gies a strawberry kiss al let ye boggle ma heed
by Wee Davie November 27, 2020
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a jewish abominance with a leather exo-skelton he also keeps his fore-skin in a jam jar. Is related to Abu Hamza as well as being an 18 year old virgin
Excuse me einen shtoolen boggle pass the zoot geez, also lets get naked!
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