To wreck someone's night by barging onto the stage while the person is receiving an award and saying things irrelevant to the person who received the award.
In the MTV Music Awards, when Taylor Swift received her music award, Kanye West Award Stomped into her, and said that Beyonce made the best music video of all time.
by (( ({>O<}) )) October 10, 2009
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the middle finger, the bird, flipping off, it's an obscene gesture used in the United States of America and Canada. It means basically "fuck you".
I got gas at a Sunoco station and as I drove around a corner there were stupid soccer moms holding up signs to support a school district levy set up by a bunch of greedy-ass corrupt asshole pukes who never gave the tax levy money to the schools that needed it - (during all the years I was in school we NEVER got any new updated textbooks until my senior year!). The school board is always crying for more dough and when they get it they boost their salaries. I gave those manipulative bastards the Finger Award as I drove on by. There were some propped-up children on the grass holding up some propaganda signs as well - that's child exploitation! That's wrong.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 18, 2009
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the oscar awards - where Ellen takes selfies with random celebrities
by Kat Asdfghjkl June 5, 2014
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An award that is given to the person who drinks entirely too much and ruins everyone else's fun. The person who is given a Vitiello Award is generally extremely obnoxious and often discharges a copious amount of vomit.
Person 1: Dude, did you see how drunk James was last night? He totally earned a Vitiello Award.

Person 2: Yeah, he was a douche. I think he even threw up that Grand Slam in the bathroom at Denny's.
by ChrisGrey September 24, 2011
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Roger: Boy, you sure were hammered last night.
Carl: Sorry man, thanks for getting me home.

Roger: When you fell asleep eating your chicken wings at the bar the guys said you get the Otis Award tonight.
by cut the cards December 13, 2022
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A lamp in the shape of a leg.

Comes from the novel “In God We Trust, All Others Pat Cash” and it’s film adaptation “a Christmas Story”.
The Old Man: it’s a major award.
Onlooker: a major award... it looks like a lamp!
The Old Man: it is a lamp, you nincompoop, but it’s a major award!
by camrylong November 27, 2017
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An award that commemorates Charles Darwin by giving it to people who remove themselves from the gene pool in a spectacular way.
‘Did you hear about the guy who got thrown from his car after he crashed it whilst spanking it?’

‘Yeah, definitely deserves a Darwin Award. Fucking moron
by DarwinDipshit December 26, 2018
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