A friend that is being more scandalous than usual
Paige’s nudes were sister scandalous
by Itsreallymeboi September 23, 2018
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The controversy surrounding the actions or Representative Anthony Weiner (hah) who admitted to 3rd degree sexting in June 2011. This resulted in many politicians calling for his resignation.
Person 1: "Yo, did you hear about Anthony Weiner?"
Person 2: "The Weinergate Scandal? Yeah man, what a perv."
by sanman2095 June 12, 2011
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The fucked up and amazing shit that is created by an exceptional group of best friends.
by ThatBiGuy September 27, 2018
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meaning: to wear socks and sandals, an inexcusable, unforgiveable crime against fashion.
"look at that scandal"

"look at his scandals"

or more often (while cutting your eyes frantically towards the offending scandal wearer) "pssst! scandals!!!"
by The Schmooze August 18, 2004
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Negros that are white but black in their minds.
if u ever come across a ratatouille say , rat rat ne ne and it will leave u alone.
examples of ratatouilles are nathan's, timilehin's, tobe's and many many more.
Hey Ratatouille scandal, stay back rat rat ne ne
by R3tsindaCl3b February 16, 2022
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Just what you think it means :

Text messaging someone with scandalous subject matter

My old man caught me SCANDALOUS-TEXTING another man.

scandalous-texting is all that girl ever does

by ms.fabulous July 24, 2008
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Alivia. just Alivia.
Alivia is ready to cause a sister scandal.
by DTLC February 14, 2019
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