A brown boy often curly hair, with a lot of charm. He gentle face, a captivating look, perfect and delicious lips. . . and a smile, oh the smile is what you will remember for the rest of your waking days.

Antoine Roch is invaluable, He’s very attentive, nice, he’s a great friend. He has a sense of humor, his company is pleasant, we always want to be with him to have fun. He has great musical taste, and his own style that gives him a lot of charisma. He’s a cultured, exciting and fascinating man. We like to have debates with him and learn new things. He’s passionate, has a real talent for drawing. He’s brave and honest. But he undervalues himself when he deserves a lot. He’s amazing and he should realize it. He should have more confidence in himself because it's the most beautiful person i will ever meet.

If he forgets his fears, he can be very romantic and thoughtful.

He fulfills all the desires of his lover and is able to connect on an emotional and physical level with her. He reads he body, mind and spirit and knows exactly how to pleasure her with his allure and passion. He is sensual and irresistible.
Everyone should have an Antoine Roch in their life, he’s precious, keep him.
by bryanbgdu59 November 30, 2021
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The Roches that survive the raid
Roch Gang Roch Gang Roch Gang Roch Gang, I Got Roches on my chain...
by Roch_Gang_OR June 1, 2018
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a name for a man thats being a hoe and harassing girls.
girl:wow did you see max he was being a roch im stay away from him
by xxwxx March 9, 2019
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Rich × Rot
Rotten in riches
Rotten rich
Rich & rotten
Filthy rotten rich
He said "we are going to be to roch in wealth forever"
by GFresh February 8, 2019
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Rotten x Rich
Rich & Rotten
Rotten in riches
Filthy Rotten rich
Rotten Rich forever In a good way.
He said " we are gonna be roch in wealth forever"
by GFresh February 8, 2019
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roch / noun : being exactly (extremely) correct about a situation
person 1- he’s been acting weird lately

person 2- he’s dtf obviously

person 1- bruh u roch..
by pulloversir_ July 15, 2020
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A cool, sexy, badass guy who seems ignorant from time to time, but actually really kind and nice inside.
Damn, he is a Roch!
by Wihhhiel September 22, 2021
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