Someone who will walk to a bathroom on the other side of their office building to take a dump, even if there is a bathroom closer. The reason for this is so that no one in their side of the building will know if they stunk up the bathroom.
Tyler: "I was going to the bathroom and in walked Steven. I don't know why he always uses our bathroom, there is one right next to his office!"

Ben: "He's a migratory pooper. Hold your breath if you see him in the bathroom!"
by T.R. Pooper August 6, 2010
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A small stupid person who is used as a friendship group's punching bag. He also thinks he's better than all of the others, so constantly believes he'll do better working on the night of a great celebration than going out with the lads, however he'll always get a DUDE. And his girlfriend resembles a guy you once knew, but don't know where from.
1) Be a Rupert Pooper and let us push in a shopping trolley down a hill.
2) Lad #1: "Come out with us for New Years Eve!!"
Lad #2: "No thank you, I will be trying to improve my 2 Ds, 1 E and a U. By staying awake until 4am and playing Black Ops"
Lad #1: "You are a massive faggot, Rupert Pooper"
3) "Doesn't your girlfriend look a little like Malcolm"
by Greasy Boots December 29, 2011
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one who shits themself at a party, while being drunk (off of little alcohol), and then proceeds to punch the host's mom.
-"yo did you see kate cooper shit themself?!)
-"yeah man, now shes pooper cooper!"
by latroy jackson August 28, 2008
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1. One whom after engaging in rough sex of the ass cheeks, deficates white, hot yogurt from his/her rectal region. COuld be considered coagulation of the sphincter seapage.

2. A stupid quiff (asshair) who acts out retardedly and wreeks of rotting fuckstink.
tom is a splooge pooper because he sat on a dick, then the pot all night, pooping yogurt into his toilet bowl.
by Nutsakula July 30, 2006
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Sexual intercourse in which the male take his penis and puts it in the womans anal area. Also used by gay males.
Guy 1:Dude I totally wanna do that chick in the pooper.

Guy 2:Nice use of doing in the pooper!

Guy 3: Already did
by Brad5o5 January 25, 2009
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An individual who compulsively poops several times a day.
Peter's been in and out of the toilet at least six times today. I wonder if he's become a serial pooper.
by terminal2 February 5, 2008
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A gay male who enters into a relationship with another gay male solely for monetary gain; A gay gold digger.
Do you think Barney Frank's boy toy is in it for his looks? Of course not. He's a pooper scooper.
by Dub Dub Lifer November 24, 2010
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