A shy but cool friend. She’s brave and smart but doesn’t really see it. It is incredibly gorgeous. She is not very popular but a lot of guys have crushes on her but are too afraid to admit it. She always tries her hardest to make new friends everyday but she does not take shit so watch out. She has often doubts herself which makes her works her ass off. She seems like a quiet, shy and not really an interesting person to talk to but once you get to know her she is a friendly, happy, loud, talkative person. The ways she looks at you straight into your eyes makes you immediately fall in love with her. She is also unexpectedly a badass they been thought some shit, she is not afraid of tell you straight to you face if your being an asshole. If you ever find Natiely keep her because she is worth it.
“Wow Natiely makes my day
“She’s so beautiful she must be a Natiely"
by jajajajjajajajjajja November 23, 2021
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Natys 🥰 is a commonly used phrase when referring to their past travels in Bali, Indonesia.
Sam said to his fellow past traveler: “Natys 🥰 “ they then both booked a ticket overseas again.
by Sammytbaby June 6, 2022
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the most swag guy you'll even met
oh look its natie

omg hes so swag
by gew05 November 7, 2021
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Nati is a special kind of name. He is really nice and caring, he is a fun guy, He is forgiving, loyal, kind and he is also good-looking. If you have a friend named Nati, don't lose him him is super loyal and if u do lose him you will regret it
Guy 1: Hey is that Nati?
Guy 2: yeah
Guy 1: Bro this guy is so nice to be around with, we went to the mall yesterday and we were laughing the whole time 😂
Guy 2: wow
by jdgsdfhjbgkshdfvb November 24, 2021
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A person who is extremely caring. She loves sarcasm and a good joke. Nati has amazing style and looks for people with amazing style. Nati loves beauty. Sometimes so much she cries about it. She’s also an alcoholic, and loves drugs. But she’s highly functional and profesional when it comes to work. She has beautiful golden skin even though google technically deems her white. She loves her friends and loves to party. She’s a vegetarian but eats raw sausage commonly known as dick. We all love a nati, and she loves us back.
Geez! Everyone here sucks! I wish nati was here
by Bigsausage420 January 5, 2022
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Probably short for “Nathaniel

He’s Ethiopian and always hating on somebody and bitching 24/7, but he’s good at video games.

He’s not good at sports, and rather be called “Nati” instead of his full name.

(He’s good with the boys but not good with the females)
Boys POV: Yo that’s Nati lets go talk to him

Girls POV: Ew.. That’s Nati just ignore and walk past him, He’s weird
by Gehbriwot March 1, 2022
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A smart, funny person who is crazy good at instagram survivor and gets tons of bitches.

Nati’s are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.
Did you see Nati?
by notnatilol March 10, 2023
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