The imaginary sensation of having huge latissimus dorsi muscles or "lats". ILS for short.
a meathead who walks with his arms away from his body in an effort to look like a bodybuilder, when in fact they do not resemble one.
he's got Imaginary Lat Syndrome
by OJs other glove December 13, 2008
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A self-serving, artificial condition created if for no other reason than to satisfy unrealistic, unsupported, unmet campaign promises; based on equally imaginary 'facts' it stands as a true testament to an utter disregard for due process, a flagrant contempt for Constitutional law and perfectly defines presidential abuse-of-power.
Hey, no government shut-down 2.0!

Look out for the infantile State of Imaginary Emergency...
by YAWA February 15, 2019
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The imaginary purple key is where in either Guitar Hero or Rock Band where the player has to shift his hand to hit the orange note and over shifts to where the player's pinky is on the fretboard and their ring finger is on the orange key.
Jeff: "Having played several green notes in succession, saw that he had to shift down to hit the next note, which was an orange key. Quickly, he moves his left hand down to the right and squeezes his pinky down on the neck of the guitar controller and strums up. Staring blankly at the screen he sees that he missed the note. Swiftly glancing down Jeff is dumbfounded. Discovering that his pinky was on the imaginary purple key."

John: Saw that. You're a dumbass.
by InfectedBoot September 27, 2009
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Coined from the terms imaginary friend and friend with benefits , an imaginary friend with benefits is most commonly found when a person is single, although it is not necessarily restricted to those outwith a relationship . They person will create an imaginary person that they will regularly engage in raunchy sexual activities with during either masturbation sessions or dreams. The qualifying features of a friend with benefits is that said person must be fully fabricated (not a celebrity or someone you know) and that they are a regular part of your self-pleasure routines.
Person 1: Did you hear Glen got a girlfriend?
Person 2: That's not a girlfriend - she's an imaginary friend with benefits. She only exists when he needs a little personal time.
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Men or women who look like they are carrying two wide suitcases one in each arm in a rush and are about to miss there flight.
Look at that hard chaw he would want to watch out he could knock somebody out with imaginary suitcases. Yeeeh buddy look em he must have imaginary Lat syndrome
by Lobodehobo October 5, 2018
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The feeling of falling down Lewis Carroll’s “rabbit hole” while digesting both melatonin and a triple espresso and listening to Smashing Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness album.
Whilst driving to Grand Central Art Center, a wave of imaginary realism came over me just before running the stoplight.
by Charles Matthews February 29, 2012
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When reminiscing about the late Tim Russert, these Imaginary Russert Qualities or IRQs, are the ideas that conjure up in your mind, regardless of whatever the media says contrary to them.
"Her dad has at least three of the Imaginary Russert Qualities."

"Calm down dad, you're getting the IRQs again."

Imaginary Russert Qualities include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Russert as an Alcoholic with various gins and vodkas on top of his stainless steel fridge

"Don't you even think about touching my Tanqueray you little nitwit!"

2. Poor parenting skills such as suddenly screaming at his son with a piece of corn chowder hanging on his lip.

"How was your day at school son?"
"eh, it was okay"
"You better hope that passed your exams with flying colors or else I'll hang your scrawny ass up by your silly pants, I'm not waking up at ridiculous hours to interview these jackasses for my health! Now go to your room and don't come out until you've finished Wealth of Nations!!!"

3. Throwing temper tantrums whilst making home repairs:

by Clint Walker July 11, 2008
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