The condition of drinking so much alcohol, that by repeatedly bending your elbow as you lift your lovely drink to your parched lips, you develop "elbow trouble". (Commonly used by East Coast, Irish-Americans.)
"Girl, don't go out with Jimmy. He has some serious elbow trouble." drunk, alkie, alcoholic
by MFComedy November 3, 2014
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The act of jerking off a partner with the crease of your arm by flexing back and forth.
I was talking to Cindy last night and she told me she wanted to give me an Elbow Job.
by Totally not Bill August 3, 2011
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A fake condition affecting bartenders passing drinks causing muscle atrophy created by Tom Scott and a game of drawing and vocal telephone with other animation youtubers
My friend worked at a bar for 3 months and passed so many beers that he got a bad case of bartenders elbow and had to rest for a week
by asxdghjkl January 8, 2021
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A form of tendonitis caused by jerking off too much. Esp with the same hand.
Man, I have been jerking off so much lately I think I may have Bators elbow
by Rock Boulder1 February 23, 2011
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Gravy Elbow - This occurs when a person’s elbow region is so fat that the actual elbow is not visible. (It looks like if you cut the elbow open that gravy would flow out.)
If she ever gets “gravy elbow”, we’ll have to break up.
by CantSeeMe0306 November 30, 2019
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When a pitcher's elbow is shot after years of abuse.
I can't believe the Diamondbacks just gave Arroyo a 23.5 million dollar contract. He has had a banjo elbow for years.
by bearcatim February 20, 2014
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The equivalent of tennis elbow, yet from the high intensity game known as beer pong. Victims show signs of swelling in the elbow region, as well as an aching sensation one gets while shooting. While cures are still being researched to fix the problem, players are instructed to play through the pain and continue to enjoy the great game of pong.
Playing beer pong for 5 straight nights will usually result in Ponger's Elbow
by I Love Beer Pong September 12, 2008
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