Daily, right-wing UK tabloid. Takes a simiiar editorial stance to the Daily Mail. Infamous for regular headlines about Princess Diana, 'political correctness gone mad' and immigrants/asylum seekers.
Daily Express headlines:
"Diana fund pays out to gypsies and asylum seekers"
"Suicide bombers in our schools"
by Kay November 21, 2007
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Shite British tabloid that focuses on C-list celebrities and the plight of the average joe to become semi-famous. Marginally better than the sun, due to the fact it has good coverage of horse racing.
ooh aah worst by far.
by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004
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Common nickname for the Daily Mail - UK tabloid newspaper aimed at uptight Middle Class English people and generally disparaging towards women, especially celebrities. For example, frequently printing images of celebrities going about their daily lives, looking perfectly normal, and then criticising them for wearing trainers or not wearing make-up.

This phrase is much used on DigitalSpy forums.
I can't believe the Daily Misogynist are at it again! One article criticising working mothers and another slating Kim Wilde for going to the shops in jeans and trainers.
by Crystal_M August 16, 2010
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the worlds worst newspaper.

Supported the fascists in the 60s now, today is content with biggotry snipping at good tv, film and music, and attacking the defcless (asylum seekers for example)

Incredicly infuryiating to read.
by tranquil_demon August 29, 2003
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to go on a particular youtube video daily and click the dislike button. you don't like the video at all, but you go there anyway for the sheer pleasure of contributing to the growth of the 'dislike bar' just because you hate it so much.
Eric: Man, I hate this song and music video!

Ed: Then why are you watching the video on youtube?

Eric: Oh I'm just here for my daily dislike.

Ed: Oh okay. What song and video is it?

Eric: Rebecca Black's Friday.
by pprkut1023 May 12, 2011
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A family on YouTube that show life's ups and downs
Girl 1: did you see daily bumps vlog today? It was awesome!
Girl 2: checking it out now
by Disney lover April 12, 2015
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