To willingly or unwittingly enter into a situation knowing the outcome will not be good.
Im worried about you bro your "crashing out"
Let this bitch keep talkin and im bout to crash all the way out
by Rich<> May 18, 2016
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To go insane and/or do something stupid.
person 1: “Jadarrius killed someone for stepping on his shoes.”
Person 2: “ Oh really? He really crash out.”
by Dhgfrff December 3, 2019
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a group picture to have with your friends for when you pass away.
hey guys let’s get a Crash Pic.
by founderofpeace December 19, 2020
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Mega Tokyo 2034
The Japanese Cyberpunk Classic Continues!
A three-part original video animation sequel to Bubblegum Crisis.
Bubblegum Crash 1 - Illegal Army
Bubblegum Crash 2 - Geo Climbers
Bubblegum Crash 3 - Melt Down
The result of comparing Bubblegum Crisis to Bubblegum Crash! is that it is merely a less extreme vision of the same thing. In all honesty, Bubblegum Crash! does spend too much time on combat and not enough developing the story and characters. Still, it is no worse than most anime in this respect
by Iriatv October 2, 2011
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A baboon that crashes into everything in its sight!
Oh no! Look at that crash!
He’s such a crash bandicoon!!
by Makunt Izichi II October 27, 2023
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Attend a party without being invited. You just show up. It may be a party thrown by someone you know or a complete strangers house. Sometimes people don't mind that you came to their party, but sometimes, your presence will be unwelcome and you may be asked to leave. The fun of it is you don't know until you get there what the reaction will be. If you crash the party, be ready to accept the consequences.
Dude, there is a jamming party down the street! Let's go crash the party!
by Happy Go Lucky November 12, 2013
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The act of eating SO much Sugar, that the next day, you are completely drained of energy and say dumb things. Often acts like the effects of being drunk or high.
Bob: "Hey John"
Bob: "What?"
Bob: "...... What?"
Fred: "He's having a Sugar Crash.
Bob: "Oh."
by SugarCrashisFun August 18, 2011
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