Something that a person says before they don't log on
Natsu: "Jack said he is logging on in 60"
Aceliane: "Doubt"
Criticise: "I like kids"
by Mr Joe Daki January 20, 2023
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when 2 gangs bet on who can kill 60 people in 60 days first.
ay u heard bout L.A doin 60 days 60 nights? better pray for L.A
by donttripboutit April 3, 2019
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Another common word for a 360 spin. Common lingo amongst skiers and snowboarders as a cool way to say three sixty. Sometimes just tres for short.
bro-skier 1: "yo you think i can tres 60 off that kicker?"
bro-skier 2: "hell yeah dude, do it up"
by 24Ebok8 March 27, 2010
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In the 1960s, while lower class Americans and "rednecks" had to go to Vietnam and face war and death, their spoiled dilettante cousins back in America threw a party for themselves at everyone else's expense, and made believe that they were the cutting-edge of human achievement, while being rude to their elders, getting high on drugs, copulating and listening to noise that they called "music".

No one had the heart to break the news to them that while they were partying in the safety of their protective American playpen, there is a whole world out there where experience could have taught them to value their own civilization and its achievements (hint: modern medicine, vaccinations, industry, modern agriculture, etc.), and to be grateful for what they have.

Future generations will look at the 60s movement like we look at the orgies and excesses of ancient Rome (i.e. as the activities of a bunch of self indulgent dilettantes who had no idea about the value of anything).
The great double achievements of normalizing juvenile delinquency and single unwed mothers, is one of the proudest achievements of the 60s movement.
by Johan Kalb March 23, 2010
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the time it takes (Measured in seconds) for something to reach 60mph from a standing start.

Contrary to popular belief, most cars cannot achieve such speeds. There is only enough fuel in the car for a test run, and the driver is an expert who builds up the revs and then releases at just the right time (too much and he gets some wheel-spain). No consideration is given as to whether the clutch lasts the test.
0-60 times are innacurate, and you should typically add 20% of that time on for a realistic pull-off.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004
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