The action when your Starbucks coffee spontaneously spurts out of the drinking hole onto your hand and down your clothing.
Bought an americano and as I walked along the street I was unexpectedly starbucked!
by urban decorator October 29, 2009
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Ashley - Wanna go to Starbucks?
Jadeveon (to his friend) - I gotta get my hands on this crack they put in that shit every cracker loves it
by skankhunt53 December 1, 2016
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1. place where 'yuppies' hang out in the city
2. best place to get coffee...mmm try a white-chocolate mocha
3. located around the corner
"I work at the starbucks on the corner of heather and broadway..."
"um there are like 12 starbucks there?"
by coca September 30, 2003
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possibly the greatest tasting coffee in the world
the people who dont like this coffee probably drink liquid shit like chock full o nuts and cheaper brands like folgers and maxwell house- they wouldnt know a good tasting coffee if it bit them in the ass
look at all the people on urban dictionary hating on the people who like and drink starbucks cause they cant afford a cup and have to drink folgers

people who drink starbucks have good taste
by starbucks lover February 23, 2005
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Founded in Seattle and The best coffe ever. You can find one on every city block in Seattle, even the space needle
Person 1: Have you seen a starbucks in Seattle?
Person 2: Yes I have there on every city block
by soccerplaya7625 February 10, 2007
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Yet another example of noun verbing, starbucking describes an action anciently known as "going out for coffee".
The verb probably originates from some shopping-mall in Seattle, but is now widely used around the world, in the most diverse places, though almost always by college educated twenty somethings who are always broke but don't mind paying fortunes for useful things like coffee and white mp3 players.
Starbucking: Like, when I was in Beijing, I so totally starbucked in the Forbidden City.
by Onigiri December 19, 2005
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A successful small US company with a good quality and environmental record that treats it's workers well and has a good product that people want to buy.Because of it's good customer service and product, the company does very well and expands, yet does not francise to maintain quality. So of course all the yuppie noveau hippies and poser hipsters hate it in a kneejerk way because it's "the Man". How dare people patronize a store that makes a consistently decent product! They should patronize the crap local coffeehouse that employs the loser hipsters who cannot make a decent latte to save their lives, as it's more "authentic".
I thought you hated Starbucks Josh, what's with the latte?
by gingernyc September 4, 2007
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