The retards' way of saying farmer's blow.
Joe: Hey, Jim, you got that farmer snort all over me.

Jim: You dumbass, its called a farmer's blow.
by jakrel May 16, 2005
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Sudden, intense laugh that exits your body via your nose, causing you to snort.
The tweet was so funny I was snort laughing.
by Simon I July 14, 2019
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A reaction of surprise so intense that you choke on your drink, spewing liquid out of various orifices (and usually upon your computer screen/keyboard).
"Bro! Don't talk in Fluttershy voice while I'm drinking!"

"Sorry for the coffee snort, man."
by Pen Dragon May 3, 2013
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When you are about to ejaculate inside the girlfriend but instead pull out and ejaculate into your hand then proceed to snort the cum.
Yo you see my boy Havard he's so strong and full of vigor because of all the cum snorting he does.
by McCheeseSauce June 18, 2023
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When you're texting someone and they say "I snorted" it usually means they laughed so hard they snorted
by Dz3002 August 15, 2016
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A deep inhalation, through the nose, at the end of a robustly declarative sentence. Southie is a section of Boston, and this seems to be typical of the area. Sometimes known as the 'Southie Sniff'.
'The Sawx got the Yankees numbah right now. Put in Papelbon and it is a done deal!' (followed by loud sniff through nose, known as southie snort or southie sniff)
by joe3945 August 27, 2011
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