when a man hasnt washed his testicles in days and sticks them in a girl or mans face while having sex forcing them to smell it also can be a prank while someone is sleeping stick your filthy nuts over there face and smack them to wake them up so they smell the dirty ball cheese
i gave my girlfriend a dirty bobber and she passed out
by vince black June 29, 2006
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Headband with two obnoxious antennae-like protrusions (frequently springs), having bauble (frequently fluffy things) on the end.

Most often seen on hen nights and charity runs.
Oh I'm just going to do something insufferable, I best don my deely bobbers
by blipblip October 9, 2010
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One who indicates a friend that he has a chick on the line. A friend who lets another friend know they are about to get fucked, these situations usually occur at a party, another term for wingman.
ME: "Hey, im drunk, be my Tuna Bobber for me tonight."

Friend: "Of course I got you, I'll let you know when you got one on the line."
by titos334 November 14, 2010
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Doin the deed with the old grey haired ladies in the election booths. All you can see from the outside is grey hair bobbin up and down.
"Saw some grey bobbers when i was voting today... those dirty old ladies."
by Olive Garden Brian November 5, 2008
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The little, round, Malteser looking turds that are left bobbing about the khazi that are imposible to flush without the aid of a brush or walking stick.
Steve: How was your shit, Dave?
Dave: Awful, only managed to squeeze out handful of Fishermans Bobber's
by Cads666 January 26, 2009
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A old dildo that you reuse
I need to find my crusty bobber now!!!
by bathroom bitches December 26, 2014
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filling a downy ball with crap and throwing it in with someone's laundry.
After I gave my friend a stinky bobber, his clothes all smelled like shit.
by batsker April 24, 2011
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