When you beat a fat chick with your penis, then you jizz all over her tits.
"Hey how did your date go with that fat chick?"- Joe
"Awww, man, I totally did a dough beater! I was so fucking drunk! Next time you're MY wingman!-You
by She-Ra Princess of Power December 14, 2010
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The technically not but low-key criminal act of beating your dick in the school/public bathroom. Even worse then shitting in a school/public bathroom.
Guy: Hey have you heard that Johnson is a Bathroom Beater?
Joe: What the fuck?
by Xx_EatItAndBeatIt_xX July 14, 2023
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A Beater Boos, is a boy who is seemingly nice when first dated. This boy then becomes a big douche bag and cheats on his girlfriend. Beater Boos' are attracted to younger girls, specifically grade nine girls or younger, especially ones that are sluts. They are usually chubby chasers, getting turned on when their girl is able to scarf down two big macs in five minutes. A Beater Boos also likes to hit girls in the face for no apparent reason.
Dan: "Hey that guy just hit his fat girlfriend!"
Mike: "Dude, I know that girl, she gets around."
Dan: "Must be a Beater Boos."
by MR.CLEANLINESS15 January 7, 2010
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After a night out at the club, you've relentlessy hit on girls but had no luck, looks like you struck out for the night..but wait, there's 15 minutes left on the clock(before the club closes) you see one last girl, talk to her, she agrees to go home with you...BUZZZZZER BEATER!!!! fuckin clutch play!

a) only counts as a "buzzer beater" if its within the last 15 minutes before the club closes
b) mad bonus points if you happen to have a portable airhorn on you and as soon as the chick agrees to go home with you, you bust it out and start blaring it in her face while shouting "buzzer beater!,buzzer beater! buzzer beater!!" (optional...if you're a fucking pussy, if not its mandatory)
Stu: yo calen, you pull last night bra? I saw you chillin with the boys til mad late
Calen: Chyeaa boi, slayed a Buzzer-Beater.., was 1:55 and I pulled a clutch play, not gonna lie though she was a 4 at best
Stu: classic calen, slaying dragons, beating buzzers, #dragonslayer, #buzzerbeater #yolo #goalo
by buzzer_beater June 18, 2013
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black cane caried by police officers and/or sequerity guards. term is used in miami by african americans as well as other races. originated from L.A. police officers beating black people with it
oh shit clyde watch out he got a nigga beater
by myke prez June 2, 2006
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a drummer who hits his skins really hard.
Wow, have you heard that metal band? The drummer is a real skin beater!
by Craig "MooGa" Harris May 28, 2008
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any short blunt object of which one would use to beat the ever living shit out of another.
back off or you will feel the wrath of my shpeagle beater.
by seth lundberg April 14, 2008
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