When a guy's penis is so small it sits on top of the balls without hanging down.
(man at urinal) "Frick, I keep getting piss on my balls every time I go to the bathroom, damn this table topper"
by Jack Smiley April 1, 2008
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to take a crap in the water tank of a toilet so that when it is flushed next time dirty water runs down into the bowl. almost impossible to clean out if one doing the high topping has the runs.
Man, I went over to my ex's house and left a high topper in her bathroom.
by Mike Hunt March 5, 2004
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nipples, the things in the middle of some ones boobies, that become hard when stimulated and are really hot when are sticking out of a female's shirt, part of the tits that make my pants move, there are big ones and small ones, and they come in different colors.
its great goin to the beach and gettin an eye full of can toppers.
by Pompous Smurf September 29, 2006
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When someone is tellin a story and another person always comes and makes it better than it really is by tellin a different story.
Bob:So i was driving along the road and saw so ducks so i decided to go shoot them on the side of the road.
Billy: O yeah well i saw ducks to but i decided to drive off road and then through the pond jus to scare them off and shoot them.
Bob: Billy you are such a story-topper.
by austin kerkman February 24, 2008
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Topper Headon was the drummer for The Clash. His real name is Nicky Headon. He had tried out for Mick
s band,the London S.S.,then something happened,and tada,he was in The Clash. He later got kicked out though because he had a drug addiction and was becoming unreliable. I believe he released a solo album too. He was really short,and also sometimes had to wear women's shoes,because his feet were so small. He also got married to his girlfriend Wendy,but they divorced.
-Topper Headon is the drummer for The Clash
-Wooo who is a great drummer? Topper Headon!
by Brandi O. October 29, 2005
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The giver of a Crock Topper engages in activities that result in a sweaty butt crack, so much so that flavors and aromas are quite developed (as they are in a crock pot). The resulting viscous fluid is then liberally applied to the recipient's penis, usually followed by other sexual activities.
"Honey, can you go for a run so you can give me a crock topper for you to eat for lunch?"
by Airliner1013 May 22, 2013
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When a male with a considerably long goatee it’s a girls pussy and she comes on his beard. Then the mail, with his soaked goatee, pins her down and wipes it across her forehead in a mopping motion.
(Example 1) “Yo dude I was with this big boobed Latina and I gave her a Topper Mopper.”
(Example 2) “I still can’t get the smell out of my goatee after that Topper Mopper last night.”
by Legendaryshopbesties December 1, 2021
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