When two drunk individuals male or female start sharing their emotions with each other.
Guy 1: I love you man seriously your my best friend. I know I'm drunk but seriously man I love you bro.

Guy 2: dude your meatballing me right now.
by Meatball king February 11, 2011
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A person who feels extreme jealousy towards another person for any reason. Also known as a hater.
I can't wait to bust these meatballs heads with my new Louie.
by Brenus Williter March 1, 2005
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1) an oddly-shaped person, usually out of shape. This doesn't necessarily mean they are that fat, just saggy or something.
2) a very round person who is shorter than average.
Look at that meatball. He looks like a fatter version of Danny De Vito.
by apoerwnbpna October 5, 2010
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A street slang for a unit of currency used in the vocabulary of transients and vegabonds.
Yo bitch! Give me the meatball!
Sorry Sucka I don't get paid till Friday!
by Scooter Brown February 9, 2008
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An overpaid semi skilled mechanic that can't fix a car. Also sits down and eats food all day long.
Joe Romano is a Meatball.

Meatball diagnosed another problem wrong today.
by Paco the nacho man May 14, 2016
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