A term used to describe a males load that flows out of the anus area when a certain amount of time has lapsed after intercourse.
I jackhammered Karen in the ass last night, and as she stood up to get out of bed, there was an Anal Avalanche that ended up all over the place.
by Tee Cee Deez February 27, 2019
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To ejaculate in a woman's hair and then throw her down a flight of stairs.
"That chick took the Mexican Avalanche like a pro-skier." or "I Mexican Avalanched her twice and she still came back for more."
by Big Deezy February 21, 2003
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When you cum on a girls face, slap her with your dick, and push her in a pile of snow
Frosty the Snowman liked to give Alaskan Avalanches to kids when their parents aren't looking
by mik297 September 22, 2009
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while the girl is sleeping next to you, you start jerking yourself and right before you cum, you waker her up and unload all over her face, catching her by complete surprise. just like an unsuspecting skier.
i gave my sister in law a dirty avalanche on her birthday.
by Mondo91 May 19, 2008
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To describe when one is almost crushed by the sheer amount of pussy they get. Can be used sarcastically.
-Jimmy's college experience can best be described as a "pussy avalanche"
-The world champion scrabble player must get an avalanche of pussy.
by PussyAvalanche February 17, 2016
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The sudden avalanche of birthday greetings posted on facebook etc when someone notices its your birthday....particularly funny when someone incorrectly posts Happy Birthday and everyone follows suit!
Fran: "Michael, your birthday is definitely tomorrow isnt it?"

Michael: "10 years Fran, its been 10 years. Why?"

Fran: "Your cousin's started a Birthday Avalanche on your Fb profile!"
by Fran P April 17, 2009
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