The rule by which any two Beej’s must battle to the death upon meeting face to face. Like the highlander, the winner gains power upon the losers death by way of obtaining the losing Beej’s most developed skill. This effect is further increased if more than 2 Beej’s meet at once, though the effect is only triggered when the Beej count is 1.
Friend: “How did you get that black eye”
Beej: “I ran into Beej from downtown and we were forced to adhere to the law of Beej. On the plus side, I can now play the tuba.”
by Beejaydee November 28, 2017
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A blow job received in a theater of war (Military term).
Yo bro, did you get a Combat Beej from that ho-bag Sergeant?
by beat02 July 12, 2010
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to reach around and play with your girls twat or butthole while she is performing oral sex
My girl and I performed the reach n beej while she was tongue tickling my nuts
by pissballs March 6, 2009
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when a girl moves her hand while giving a beej for added effect.

also giving a hj intermittently so she can take a break from all the beejing.
yes, i\'d like a large heej/beej combo with extra special sauce please?
by d00der April 27, 2005
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when you receive fellatio from a female counterpart, sometimes referred to as "m her for a b"
Dylan: yo what do you think of that girl?
Jake: i think shes hideous and very creepy
Dylan: i agree, but shes really into me, i think i might milk her for a beej
Jake: i see no harm in that
by Tobias Beeler May 17, 2008
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*at restraunt

Guy: Can I get an order of .... (cough) beejs all around

Hot Waitress: what's that?

Guy: Nacho Cheeses all around please
by bigmeat101 September 30, 2009
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when you eat three table spoons of jiff peanut butter (reduced fat) then suck an erect penis, until it release a milky substance to wash the peanut butter down.
I ate three table spoons of reduced fat jiff, and had no milk to cleanse my pallet, so i gave my boy friend a peanut butter beej
by mileygurlkillpoprawrz March 9, 2011
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