Something Awful's best front page updater.
He transports readers to a world full of happy bees and happy trees and happy dinosaurs fighting with happy bunnies and there are also rainbows and blue skies all day and everyone is happy :)
OTIMoof brings joy IYM™ IRL™!
P.S. I love Tom "moof" Davies :)
by Moof (not Moof) January 12, 2005
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a cows’s oof. a reaction to a very very unfortunate situation.
you have five finals next week?! moof
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A German with bad english attempting the word: move.
"Moof your goddamn liederhosen (song trousers) off ze stuhl (chair)!
by skank ass weasel March 22, 2004
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get booted out of a chatroom by server error
I was in chatnet lastnight, and got moofed, so I had to log back in
by Gwythaint January 7, 2003
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"Wow, hunny, that moof last night was incredibly exotic."
by Blinkin March 17, 2005
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A 1930's italian mobster; a gangster; a mafioso
Jimmy got whacked by some moof.
by Justice Lou March 28, 2005
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