To kill, often used in soundclashes, (similar to slew)
"Oi Doogz, who got merked?!"
by MC Reefa April 25, 2004
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verb To be fooled or tricked.
Rio: "Wazza you 'ave been merked! Innit!"
by brownie18 June 28, 2006
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Often used by people who think (or Are) Gangsta.
Normally means murder or hurt or w/e
Sometimes used in lyrics aswell.
Oi blad you're gonna get MERKED brav.
by Dodgymonkey March 2, 2007
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to beat the fucking shit out of someone until their pussy faggot ass dies
the bitch would give me dat fat cunt so i merked that hoe
by getmony January 22, 2009
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Something that sparks a reaction from kids that makes them go "Ohhhhhhhh" caused by physical harm, something that hurts someone with ridiculous overkill.
Seal team six bursted into a pub through a window and on the way in someone gets booted in the face, the victim would be "merked"
by aidnaam January 14, 2018
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Verb - simply put, the fuck the shit out of a girl.

Manny: yo, so did you smash?
John: did i smash?!?! shit, I MERKED that bitch!!!
by Beantown Joe March 27, 2007
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