Someone who shows up at the house ninja style for a booty call, sneaks in the house, and crawls into your bed.
Did any night crawlers show up at your house last night.
by Kevintps May 25, 2007
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A low key term used to inform your buddy that jail bait is present.

(night crawlers = bait.)
Michael wanted to make a move on the group of girls at the party but was quickly briefed by a fellow bro that they were night crawlers... Michael didn't care.

Ryan didn't sleep for a week after finding out he raw dogged a night crawler he met at the halloween party.

(2 bro's at Coachella) This place is littered with Night Crawlers!

I know I'm loving it!
by Assault Rifle May 5, 2011
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pubic lice, often referred to as "crabs", that are hanging out on a female's genitalia.
Krystal wanted to have sex with me, but I didn't want to catch her cunt crawlers.
by havabadah July 10, 2009
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A worm used for fishing. It is very long and thick. Anything but Trout go after it
When we went fishing we used night crawlers for bait and the boy caught a 2 pound bass.
by davetheboss1223 April 9, 2018
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A creature that crawls up your ass, stealing your shit and placing it in your mouth.
My breath taste like shit, an anal crawler visited me last night
by Wolfpup1424 May 26, 2020
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similar to a pub crawl, but for whores, who crawl, balls.
a slut
"oh did you see that girl"
"yeah she looked like a total ball-crawler"
by AlCraig AU January 3, 2010
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