Founded in 1947, over there almost there 50 year history (1991 they shut down the plant and now only sell truck parts), Pacific made some of the most badass and tough trucks to exist. Most of their trucks were marketed towards offroad and heavy hauling. Most saw service in British Columbia (as they were headquartered in Vancouver)as logging trucks, where they would be seen sometimes hauling logs 10x the size of the trucks (these trucks were bigger then normal highway trucks, so these logs were thicc). Pacifics trucks were built to last, and the majority of the trucks they produced (as of 2008) are still running. Plans are in the works to restart pacifics factory, as orders are still coming in for trucks which only weakness was a large turning circle, being horribly slow, and needing a little inertia to get running. Besides those, nothing could stop these trucks. Not even nature (as these trucks would pollute so much they would stop nature instead).
Ex 1: Damn, I miss Pacific Truck & Trailer
Ex 2: Pacific Truck & Trailer was a legendary company
Ex 3: Pacific trucks are cool as hell
by ILikeAlcos March 22, 2022
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A Dallas term referring to those who utilize too much make-up and hairspray, and too little exercise. Most likely has a vagina that will induce vomiting on ofactory contact.
Physical examples of a Trailer Trasher include Paula Deen, Tyne Daly, or a neighborhood Dentonite.
by BARFALARF April 15, 2011
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One whom dwells in or amongst pre-fabricated modularity configured domestic structures
With some many trailers registered in this county, could you imagine the number of trailer goblin that certainly must be non-registered voters?!
by Steven Annette Smith May 9, 2022
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The disease and or symptoms one appears to suffer from in relation to long term drug or alcohol use.
Man that guy is shaking and mumbling like he has Trailer Parkinson's.
by Neufdog3 March 27, 2023
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This is the action of trying to make it rain at a strip club but without proper funds. Usually done with coins instead of bills. The process of dropping thousands of coins onto a strippers head/stage at a nightclub. Also could be done with a bag of coins across the face.
Biily Bob went to the twisted sister last night and made it trailer park rain on some bitch. Shes the one over there with the mark on her face.
by dortman December 4, 2012
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More intoxicated than the average mobile home owner. Similar to White Girl Wasted
This weekend we are gonna get trailer trashed!
by Gelus November 3, 2013
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