A mad individual who can cause pain to himself and not give a damn. the spawn of god and satan.

Will act as below:
Runs around fields on cold night, in only his underwear, smoking and screaming "I rape chickens". sleep talks about foursoms, chickens, wanting sausages, and aaarrghffejwfbisduf!!
by Ernie October 15, 2004
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to pinch or flick
I tweeked her nipple and she tweeked my clit with her tongue.
by Junebug January 13, 2004
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something that looks strange or is very cool
dude that shit is tweek!
by steakman1 February 10, 2007
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To Tweek is to be overly excited about something, or keep talking about it or just plain out being anoyying about that topic.
Jay: Norman! Stop tweeking over them damn books man!

Norman: But man they're so good like in chapter 3- "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

by Definition Queen June 7, 2009
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Something or someone that is stupid, dumb, or crazy.
"Stop being such a tweek !"

Person#1: I failed the history test.
Person#2: That was so easy, you tweek !
by kimbop October 3, 2009
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Noun. A boisterous dork, dweeb or nincompoop. An annoyingly loud twit.
by E. Debs April 2, 2005
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