American Death metal band formed in 1983 under the name Mantras. They re-formed as death in 1984, and hit it off. they're the first ever death metal band (i think the genre's named after them). The lead singer (Chuck Schuldiner, RIP) accidentally growled/screamed when trying to cover a slayer song, and thus was born Chuck's amazing voice.
"Death fucking rocks, too bad Chuck died."
by psychoman364 November 27, 2003
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a termination of life, sometimes feared and sometimes desired. usually a sad event.
After the death of her husband, the widow stopped speaking to her children because she saw his face in them.
by xoxAshh137 March 24, 2009
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Death is inevitability
"We are all gonna go someday, death is an inevitability"
by Sammy G. March 11, 2006
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what happens to all people

it happens to gangs sooner then other people
by mitch July 24, 2003
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A Floridian Death Metal band formed in 1983, originally named Mantas and re-named/re-formed in 1984 as Death. Thought to be the originators of the style (which may have been named after them).
"Rest in Peace Chuck Schuldiner, Death did more for Death Metal than you were ever given credit for!"
by ratsinthewall January 29, 2003
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