A steaming turd that has a fairly soft yet firm texture.
by Jaytard June 18, 2008
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used in medical circles to denote brain;
drunk eagles' fan got into a fight with a patriots' fan after the game and injured his squash; he has a poor prognosis.
by harman February 4, 2005
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When a male presses his entire genitalia against a transparent, hard surface such as a window or a CD case. The resulting visual resembles a rat that has been crushed to death.
It is like mooning someone except with a dick and balls.
Pressing your junk against a window looks like a squashed rat.
by Scoopalone June 28, 2014
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Guys that are left that no one else wants according to Alison Dilaurentes from Pretty Little Liars
Emily- "I don't want to end up with Mushy squash"
Paige McCullers- "Are you drunk?"
by Jenny1ynn9 October 23, 2013
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When a man takes his unit, balls and all, and tucks it between his legs so the back half looks like two feet and a tail of a squirrel.
Bob pulled a Squashed Squirrel at a family gathering and hasn't been invited back since.
by ratatatooie October 6, 2008
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Vibe Squashing is the act by which a person removes a negative topic from conversation by stating: Vibe Squashed. Typically, the scenario will involve illicit drugs and be used as a measure to prevent negative vibes from manifesting themselves into uncontrollable paranoia, but this does not have to be the case, and a vibe squash can be used in any social setting where negative vibes may exist. Once the vibe squashed is an accepted term amongst the group, any member of the group can interject the conversation with vibe squashed and the conversation must start anew.
Bill: Yo, what if the cops come or something while we're doing all these drugs, or something.

Ted: Hey man, vibe squashed.

Jake: The weather outside... Is weather.
by vibesquashed August 24, 2013
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to remedy a situation by issuing an apology and/or beating someones ass
Dude, squash the beef and apologize

Nick would like to squash the beef by throwing fists
by Grinny July 21, 2006
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