To be stoned/intoxicated to the point where you walk into everything or everything you touch falls over on you, esp. rakes
That guy was SOOO raked last night.
by Tako June 1, 2005
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What happens when you put a rake and a ho together?
by Rynn October 4, 2003
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Getting super fucked up; getting drunk; bitchin' drunk; messed the fuck up; sexdrunk !
by mrs.raked January 14, 2010
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To be sodomized by a rake normally, but not always, willingly.
"Man, Julie Raked me so hard last night."
"Did you...did you want it?"
"Of course man! You know rake should always be consensual!"
by The Great Green One June 2, 2013
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Shaneefa: "Yo Cube I need to get my hair done and my nails done...can I have $900?"
Cube: "Bitch you are such a fucking rake. Suck my dick."
by Nick D February 16, 2003
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A term primarily used by those of the Asian race. Usually used to prove one's gayness. Usually exclaimed in a high pitched voice annoying to all. Meaning to be of exceedingly awesomeness to the user of the aforementioned word.
"Dude, that shirt fabric is rake."
by SlyNi January 21, 2009
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