A moustache belonging to a person from pakistan
i said to my brother you need to shave your pooche.
by sascha bismarck March 23, 2009
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The meaning of pooch is similar to being "Done" Or "Finished" The word is now used in all sorts of conversations to date.

Poochied: Is more of a word for stoners; after they smoked a big dart, drank a 6 to a 12 pack.. If they are really loaded they might say they are "Pickled"
I just took the longest shit to date. I'm Pooched, I'm drained, I'm going the fuck to bed.

This cigerette is finished, it's pooched.
I'm baked like a lays chip i'm pooched.
by 613tdm April 8, 2011
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the sound a vagina makes when you pull out. also used for randomly saying something when nothing else to say.
dude, that sounded like a pooche. (awkward silence) POOCHE!!
by rmzman27 February 2, 2011
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It's another word for vagina, pussy, minge, wizards sleeve, whispering eye.
I want to poke your pooch with my love sword

Spread your pooch so i can finger you

Your pooch looks and smells like a cauliflower
by Pooch Vegas December 12, 2013
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A term descended and condensed from the phrase "fucking the dog". Used to describe the act of doing nothing, as well as making a fuck-up occur and the act of departing forthwith.
1. Fuck man it's time we left, let's pooch.
2. You pooched the hell out of it.
3. Did nothing but the pooch today.
by PDR July 20, 2003
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A verb meaning to screw something up. As in pooch screw.
You totally pooched your chances of hooking up with her.

The situation is all pooched up.
by KML234 August 21, 2009
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How an asshole writes the word dog
Look at that cute little pooch over there
by Reginaldhark August 25, 2017
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