What is a Line?

This is a line: _______

Lines: What Are They Good For?

That is a very good question.

* Thank you.
* You're welcome.

Well, a line is a thing that is straight, basically. You can draw one on a board or paint one on a highway (as long as they both go on without curving for infinity).

That's So Cool. What Else Are They Good For?

Do not ask, young stupid one. Look all around you. There are lines in the sky and lines in the sand.

Whose Line is it Anyway
_____________________ ______________________
______________________ _____________________
by kodiac1 July 5, 2006
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a series of skateboard tricks done in a row.
yo..dude did u see that line
by bob January 13, 2005
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One word sentence to show that someone has, metaphorically speaking "crossed the line". An indication that someone has gone too far with what they are saying.
Person 1: Yo mama so fat she ate 2 chickens
Person 2: Yo mama so fat she ate the whole world
Person 1: Line.

by Who cares? November 21, 2006
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the area of skin beneath a female's overlying stomach. Often carries a slight odour and is susceptible to itch.
"Excuse me, husband? Please scratch my line!"
by Liltimeofyear February 20, 2019
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to put a line through another person's graffiti....usually frowned upon in graffiti culture and done mostly by pikey graff headz
by ruda August 6, 2003
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Refering to a womans clevage.
Is used to discretely point out major clevage
Sorry guys, I can't join you today, there's this girl that I met today with a MAJOR line.
by Ayi November 17, 2003
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