When a person is on that bullshit and/or on some drugs
Johnny " Have you seen that Hayden Wolfe guy he is off that Goop"
Danny " Yeah that boy is off that Goop"
Hayden " AASERTretasdjbguyegrsbeurgiyasdgiuhasdfbferygrea fdbreaueryfsdfretywetyfdsgreyer"
by Skippy Dinglechalck December 10, 2019
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1) When you do a shit and all the shit comes out at once rather then in a few smaller quantities.

2) A plural for shit.
1)Dude I just did a massive goop.
2)There is cow goop all over that paddock.
by ~Simon~ April 11, 2009
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Goope is used to define something as very stupid. It can also be used to call something unattractive or ugly.
"We need to get out of this gooped ass club because it is not bumpin!"

"Man change the channel this show is so goope, i really dont want to watch this!"
by Richella January 2, 2009
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1. A person who suffers from left-handedness.
2. Overall inferior human being.
Poor guy, he writes with his left hand. I wonder if he cries himself to sleep every night knowing he's a goop.
by Lyricalminded [Don't Die] December 31, 2009
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an intense feeling of deep affection. In other words.......love
I goop you... but in reality I love you- Maame
by Maame March 14, 2020
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Goop is when somebody is looming fine as fuck
Bobby: sarah you looking goop today

Sarah: thanks bobby ;)
by sheloveslim June 5, 2019
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