When you're fingering a girl and break your finger inside of her.
"Hey Dusan, what happened with you and the girl last night? Why is she complaining about her ruptured vagina?"

"Man, I gave her a Crooked Serbian. I have to see a radiologist today."
by Tricycle January 23, 2013
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When a person is stoned out of their mind they will say this word when refering to a small crevice within a object
Don't forget to clean all of the crooks and nannies in that ceiling fan.
by The X stoner-in-law January 7, 2009
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A skateboarding trick where you ollie onto a rail, land your front truck on the rail, and grind the rail at about a 45 degree angle. Not a beginner trick.
by Ricky Benda May 25, 2005
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Democratic presidential candidate in 2016 and former first lady Hillary Clinton (1993-2001), as referred to by American President Donald Trump in his posts on Twitter.
"Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared..." 12:56 PM - 15 Jun 2017 @realDonaldTrump
by Quiltraveler April 24, 2018
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The real name of Animal Crossing character Tom Nook. This raccoon has a monopoly in the real estate business and rips you off when you buy or sell items in his shop.
Villager: I'ma sell this Regal Sofa at Crookington's
Other Villager: Nah, Tom Crook will just rip you off, go sell that at Re-Tail.
by Gonzalo Barrios March 10, 2017
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Hot clothing brand sold on karmaloop. The concept was easy. "Crooks", criminals, pimps, hustlers, thieves, etc. And "Castles" those who got rich by becoming a crook.
I saved 20% off on Crooks & Castles clothing on Karmaloop by using repcode AN24457!!
by loscoches January 5, 2009
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