to fart while standing, then sitting down and it permeates your clothes. Most often done prior to sitting down on the can.
Bob donned fart cologne after his last crap.
by Detricus March 19, 2010
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Slang: WD-40. So named because of the distinctive sickly sweet odor of the anti-rust compound.
I spent all day working on my car, and now I've got mechanic's cologne all over my hands.
by Eleglac March 8, 2007
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The smell of pussy that can be smelled on a guy's dick, even a few days after having gotten laid (even after having taken a few showers); it's the smell of honor!

(Similar to having been sprayed by a skunk, except much, much cooler)
Lisa uses her Pussy Cologne on MOCO all the time; is she marking her territory?
by MOCO & P-Phat February 12, 2009
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The smell of alcohol still on your breath after waking up in the morning even with the use of mouth wash.
I passed by Bob and he had booze cologne, I guess the mouth wash was no help.
by CHITOWN MAGIC January 29, 2010
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The overwhelming smell of "the other man's" cologne. Also used to reference strong cologne used to mask vaginal odors
She was hot, but I got a whiff of sancho's cologne
by Buster Browneye February 10, 2023
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