Miami's major league baseball team (formerly the florida marlins, see florida marlins)
did u see mike stanton of the miami marlins smack a homer
by dr.awesome February 25, 2012
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To nod off repeatedly when tired in a motion resembling hooking a fish, namely, a marlin.

originated in Lompoc, CA
During that lecture I was totally hooking marlin.
by Greg Bryant April 21, 2007
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When you cum in a girl's eye and while she's disoriented you fish hook her mouth with your index finger and drag her out of the room to show her to your buddies, hence parading her around like she was a marlin you caught.
Guy 1: Dude, I totally got in trouble for parading the marlin last night. Your girlfriend totally didn't appreciate it.

Guy 2: Why was my girlfriend there?

Guy 1: She was the marlin.
by Mr.Quackers5380 September 5, 2009
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When your having a wank, just before blow the load, shout out "Mom" or "Dad", then try and finish the job before they get into your room!
A friend tried pulling an Andrew Marlin and won!!! He did tried it again and failed the second time!!
by greenpoweraid October 9, 2013
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with one or two fingers on the inside of your partner's cheek (like a fish-hook), and immediately following oral sex or intercourse, pull out your dick and blast your seed into the nostrils and eyeballs of your partner. he or she will duck and dive to protect their face from your dick juice. just like a pissed off marlin on a big fucking hook.
i gave my girlfriend a salty marlin, and she nearly took my goddamn arm off.
by Schuyler The Liar June 10, 2009
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The giant fish that you hook but never land
Caught a massive sand marlin...

It could of been a rock that snaps your line, but who can prove it.
by Sandmarlin August 17, 2018
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Hanlin x Marcus, lovers to lovers, they love each other will all their being.
“Did you hear about Hanlin x Marcus?” “Yesss!!! Hanlin x Marcus forever!!!” “I saw them kissing in the halls!” “They are such a couple, Marlin L. forever!!!!”
by Unsauced Pickles June 1, 2022
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