A fart so rank it causes a group of chatting people to disperse, thus "breaking up the group."

Based on the common belief that Yoko Ono was responsible for the breakup of the Beatles.
We were having a nice conversation by the keg until Maynard let loose with a horrendous ass-yoko.
by waydown July 29, 2008
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An exceptionally terrible musical performance. After Yoko Ono, an utterly talentless performance artist who never would have been allowed anywhere near a recording studio but for her association with the late Beatle, John Lennon.
How was the Good Charlotte show last night?
Really bad. I mean, like, Yoko bad!
by PBSPinchback November 12, 2010
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Second wife of John Lennon. Often blamed for the break-up of the Beatles when infact she just happened to be there. This is called yoko syndrome
by Gumba Gumba February 24, 2004
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The aftermath of an individual in a group of friends dating a nut-case girlfriend or boyfriend. The significant other will intentionally or unintentionally control the group member's entire life and eventually stomp out anyone he or she sees as 'unfit' based on arbitrary criteria. Comes from Yoko Ono's effect on the Beatles, where her attitude towards the rest of the band and influence over John Lennon resulted in animosity and the eventual estrangement of John and Yoko from the group.
friend1: Why don't we see Mark anymore?
friend2: The Yoko Effect, Mark is our John and his Yoko hates us
by boagoose June 2, 2010
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A term used to refer to something that splits up a group of friends. Usually that something drives the group to become annoyed and angry with one another until they all go their seperate ways. That something is typically a newcomer to the group that the rest do not like. Or that newcomer could be there to specificlly split up the group for their own sick pleasure.

This term came from the woman, Yoko Ono. Who is blamed for the breakup of The Beatles. She dated John Lennon. Yoko is said to have fought often with the other band members and did not keep her distance during recording sessions. She was the factor for The Beatles breakup.
Person: "Did you see the Buffy episode about how Spike infiltrated the group and got them all not speaking to each other?

Another Person: "Yeah, that episode was called 'The Yoko Factor'"
by Nest February 11, 2006
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the action of one's significant other who tears apart the group of friends.
"Dude. Adam never hangs out with his old friends anymore."

"Yeah. Once Susie came in she just started Yoko Onoing the shit outta them."
by Phil Jacklin October 7, 2007
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