A dude that looks like Will Ferrell, but he's funny so chicks want to bang him.
Hot chick at bar: Wow, that guy's a total WILF. I hope he proceeds to mount me like a wildebeest.
by Willlie September 23, 2007
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The psychopathic dog from the 2012 Standard Grade General English exam in Scotland. Known to jump off cliffs, not share his food and square up to ewes (despite only being up to their knees). He also has created an internet craze, trending on Twitter and receiving thousands of likes on facebook.
What's wilf? - A little greedy bastard that makes fish and chips cost more than £40.

Why's everyone going on about wilf? - Because everyone else is too stupid for us credit people to go on about the Korous...
by rubbers are for gurls. April 26, 2012
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There are lots of wilfs around the oxnard cabin.
by wilfmister October 1, 2010
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A total loser

Someone who can calculate the cubic capacity of a tin of beans but is unable to work the tin opener.


A four letter abusive expletive you can use in public because nobody knows what it means
That GordenBrown is a total WILF

Brian got pissed last night and acted like a total WILF

You're acting like a WILF
by guzzigeezer December 10, 2009
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werewolf i'd like (to) fuck
by gingaah December 22, 2009
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