The act of fishing your poop out of the toilet and throwing it away to people having sex in a car.
John: Dude, Wendy and Kevin got mad at me for applying a Truman Capote on them

Eric: They didn’t like having poop thrown at them while having sex in their car?

John : They most certainly didn’t
by Jigokue April 5, 2019
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Bella Truman is the most amazing person you will meet. She lights up the room every time she steps in it with her beauty and her amazing personality. There aren’t enough synonyms to awesome to describe her so if you meet a Bella Truman keep her close.
Omg I got to hang out with Bella Truman yesterday and it was awesome!!
by C_yoshe October 18, 2019
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(V). The act of being elected to high political office and then using your connections and money as leverage to orchestrate a large scale reality TV show with hundreds of millions of your constituents.
"Did you hear? Another administration official was just fired! The President even tweeted about it." "Oh, really? Wow. It's so crazy it always feel like someone is Truman showing us."
by 5am Diego September 30, 2017
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When someone screws up something that he/she pretty much nuked what he/she was doing.
Wow Emma, you really pulled of f a Harry Truman on your history test, because you absolutely nuked it!
by Squidnesia May 4, 2018
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Our greatest President! That guy stuck it to those racist SOBS. He integrated the military and in addition pushed for civil rights. Plus he was the one who raised minimum wage, federal education funding, farm subsidies, and Social Security benefits. He tried to repeal Taft-Harley but the GOP Congress stoped him (DAMN!). Harry is probably the only President (other than Washington) who didn't cheat on his wife (not that that makes a President, I'm talking about as a person). He also always took responsibility for himself, and stood up for what he knew was right, even when he nearly lost the Presidential election. Harry Truman created the CIA, and stuck it to that nutjob MacArthur. Yeah, he dropped two A-bombs on Japan, but he didn't enjoy it and mourned their deaths. Plus, the alternative (a mainland invasion of Japan) wwould have been a hell of a lot worse. All in all, Harry Truman was our best President (well, maybe he's tied with FDR), until Barak Obama or John Kerry get elected.
"Give 'em hell Harry!"-unknown speaker at the 1948 DNC convention.
"The Buck stops here!"-Harry Truman's motto.
"Protection by the government!"-His address of the NAACP, he was the first president to do so.
by Catholiccommunist April 9, 2006
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weirdest person you will ever meet he is one of a kind literally the only one, good at everything he does,
great with his hands, and is constantly watched.
gr8 listner and gives good feedback, lots of patience and stamina.
i wish my boyfriend was Truman peacock he is so awesome
by lathem October 27, 2010
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When one has intercourse with an asian female and, when finished, stands up from a high height and proceeds to defecate "drop a bomb" on their partner's chest.
Kenny: "Yo, Joe! I saw you go upstairs with Mitsuko at the party last night. She came back down pretty upset. What happened?"

Joe: "Oh, nothin much man, just dropped a Harry Truman on her from my ceiling fan."
by Blaq Buddha January 16, 2012
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