1. (n) A game played among "bros" that involves unexpectedly hitting your bro in the nutsac while yelling "Squirtle!"

2. (v) The act of hitting someone in the nutsac while yelling Squirtle, after which everyone says "Oh daaaaayum!"
Deep: Hey, what's that over there?
Darrell: Huh?
Deep: Squirtle!!!
Darrell: GAHHHH!

(later that night...)

Darrell: Hey Deep.
Deep: Yeah?
Darrell: SQUIRTLE!!!!
by spokmage August 9, 2007
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Someone who cant hold there drink and chucks after one beer
Marc De decker had one beer and pulled a squirtle for the rest of the nite
by S1ru5 October 20, 2006
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When your boy laying back after pounding your fish market and you climb over his face and hit him with that squirt squirt action.
Yo he was laying back all cool and I came over cum in my pussy and used The Squirtle all over his face
by LitTitties July 22, 2019
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-to poo
-to have the runs
-to pee
-to make man juice
-I think I made him squirtle himself...I did make him squirtle himself.
-I ate cheese and now I have the squirtles.
-You made me laugh so hard, I squirtled my pants.
-R kelly squirtled all over his victim while making his home videos.
-While doing the dirty deed, I prematuraly squirtled everywhere.
by -JBZ- June 7, 2005
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Craft a Papier-mâché turtle shell and make your girlfriend /boo wear it and the make her climax
Todd:Man When i get home i'm gonna give my boo such a squirtle
by CoolCat97 June 18, 2015
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The most badass Pokemon group ever. They rob, kick ass, take bitches hostage, and put out fire.
by Fried Waffles March 14, 2012
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1.The KEWLEST group of pokemon in the entire shows history. The squirtle squad appears around the time Ash Ketchum meets Squirtle. Squirtle is one of the original 150 pokemon. None of those later on bull shit editions. Squirtle's evolve forms are Wartortle then Blastoise.
1.Squirtle Squad was not defined then noted so on MLIA, here i am making it happen for the world! Your Welcome

2. I have the Squirtle Squad T-Shirt!! ... Your a FAG!
by GeezusJuice October 13, 2009
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