A false name, used worldwide, given to the police when they cannot identify you.
I lied to the officer, told her my name was Melvin P. Shlump she said I was the third Melvin that week.
by Black History Month November 16, 2020
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A false name, used worldwide, given to the police when they cannot identify you.
I lied to the officer, told her my name was Melvin P. Shlump she said I was the third Melvin that week.
by Black History Month November 16, 2020
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To "shlump" is to dress informally, in a relaxed, casual manner.
Jake looked totally shlumpy in his sweat pants.
by readyXsetXkill June 18, 2004
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an irrelevant clump of cells squished into a tiny human
hammy is such a shlump.
by schlongman May 4, 2021
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The feeling or state in which you feel Comfortable, Cozy, and feel like you could just flop over and lie there forever.
Dom-Human: I'm feeling pretty Shlump, not sure 'bout you.
Sub-Human: I feel like flopping onto the ground, and taking a snooze. I'm so comfortable!

Carson: I'm really Plumped Shlump right now
by VirginLoser69 June 23, 2020
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The act of getting very drunk and having 0 energy and proceeding to fall asleep on the nearest couch
Damn rob is in a shlump
by The smurf of cb November 14, 2021
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